Point of Sale for Gift and Toy Stores

Gift and toy store owners are constantly concerned with slow-moving merchandise that stays stagnant and decreases profits. They need a system to understand which items are moving and which ones are not, so they can make better buying decisions and ultimately increase overall profit margins.

Our solution is a good fit for the gift and toy store retailers to improve disparate business processes that will lead to greater profitability.

With our gift and toy retail software solutions, you can:

  • Maintain tight control over inventory merchandise and associated expenditures.
  • Make strategic retail business decisions based on accurate sales trends and reports. Customized sales and inventory reports are within reach and identify items that are selling.
  • Customize Point-of-Service screens to keep pace with ever-changing customer demands and provide personalized service that builds on high customer satisfaction.
solutions for gift stores


Check-out your customers quicker and easier.