RIS and Retail Pro allow you to easily create custom reports.

We offer a variety of Retail Pro custom reports to help you analyze, project and manage your business better. Custom reporting gives you the ability to get the insight into your business that you need to make smarter decisions.

Check out our list of customized reports and get started crunching and analyzing numbers like never before.

custom reports


*Click on each report to expand for more details.

Accounting Reports

Accounting Voucher Report

This report is useful for customers using the accounting link who are exporting vouchers to the link.  It quickly finds vouchers that have or have not been exported through the accounting link to accounting software packages. The report displays the following fields: voucher date, voucher number, quantity received, voucher vendor code, vendor invoice number, vendor invoice date, voucher type, export to GL status, export to AP status, voucher comment 1 and voucher comment 2.  Filter options on the report are as follows: Subsidiary, Store, voucher date range, voucher vendor code, voucher type, sent to AP status, sent to GL status, inventory descriptions 1, 2, attr, size, local UPC, ALU, DCS code and item vendor code.

AR Charge Report

This report shows receipts tendered as Charge grouped by customer. It shows Customer Name, Receipt #, Receipt Date, and Receipt Total with the Receipt Total subtotaled for each customer and grand totaled. It can be filtered by Date Range, Subsidiary, Store, Tender (set to charge by default), Customer Last Name, and Customer First Name.

Tax by Tax Area-State

This report is intended to help determine where to send taxes collected for customers using the Tax by Zip Code plug in for Retail Pro 9. The report show a summary line for each RPRO TAX AREA, and if no RPRO TAX area is used on a receipt the report attempts to extract the State from the address 3 field for the ship-to customer. Fields displayed are Tax Area/Address3 State, Non-taxable sales, taxable Sales, total of taxable and non-taxable sales, discount amount, shipping and fees, net total, total tax, And the total of all fields. Filter options are limited to subsidiary, store, date range, and tax area name.

Tax Report

This report shows tax collected by Subsidiary, Store, Tax Area Name and Tax code. It shows Quantity Sold, Extended Tax Amt and Extended Price, with Subtotals by Store and Grand Totals. Filter options include Subsidiary, Store, Date Range, Tax Area Name, Tax Code, DCS, Vendor and Cashier.

Tenders by Store by Date

This report is a summary of total amounts tendered by different tender types organized by date and store. 1 row per store and per day. It shows receipt totals, and Tender Totals for each tender type with subtotals by store and grand totals. Filter Store, Date Range, Workstation, Cashier and Tender Name.

Historic Inventory Reports

Advanced Department Summary

A report showing Sales Data and Inventory on hand data broken down by Department, Class and Subclass, grouped by store and subsidiary. The report shows Department Name, Class Name, Subclass Name, Qty Sold, Sold Extended Price, Sold Margin $, Sold Margin % and percentage of the total Ext Price per store for each DCS, ON Hand Qty, OH Extended price, and Ext Price % at the end of the Report period for Each DCS, and Year to Date Sold Qty. It contains subtotals for each store and subsidiary, and grand totals. The report is filterable by Report Date Range, Subsidiary, Store, Description 1, Description 2, DCS Code, Dept Code, Class Code, Subclass Code and Vendor Code.

DCS Summary

A report showing Sales Data and Inventory on hand data broken down by Department, Class and Subclass, grouped by store and subsidiary. The report shows Department Name, Class Name, Subclass Name, Qty Sold, Sold Extended Price, Sold Margin $, Sold Margin % and percentage of the total Ext Price per store for each DCS, ON Hand Qty, OH Extended price, and Ext Price % at the end of the Report period for Each DCS, and Year to Date Sold Qty. It contains subtotals for each store and subsidiary, and grand totals. The report is filterable by Report Date Range, Subsidiary, Store, Description 1, Description 2, DCS Code, Dept Code, Class Code, Subclass Code and Vendor Code.

Stock Audit with Store Details

This is similar to the standard stock audit report in Retail pro but this report will show the details for each store, not just for the company as a whole. It also shows transfers in and out of each store in separate columns rather than showing net transfers. This report is very useful for tracking on hand quantity errors at the store level. The report shows Subsidiary and store number, DCS Code, ALU, Local UPC, Period Start Quantity, starting unit cost, starting extended cost, end quantity, end unit cost, end extended cost, sold quantity, sold extended cost, received quantity, adjusted quantity, transferred in quantity and transferred out quantity. The report has the following filter options: subsidiary, store, period date range including a start date and an end date, Item Active status, DCS code, department code, class code, subclass code, vendor code, an option to include or exclude items with all 0 quantities, descriptions 1, 2, 3 and 4, attribute, size, local UPC, ALU, user defined inventory fields 1-6 and auxiliary inventory fields 1-8

Multiple Data Category Reports

Advanced Purchasing

This report shows on hand, sales, and on order information for merchandise. In addition to current on hand quantities combined for sales stores and for warehouse stores it shows the amount sold in the current week, the previous 1st 2nd and 3rd weeks, Totals Sold for the item, Totals Received for the item, On Order Qty, and Weeks of Supply and Sell thru %. It has subtotals by DCS code and grand totals. Filter options are Subsidiary, Sales Stores, Warehouse Stores, Statistical Date range (used for calculating sell thru %), DCS, Vendor, Department, Class and Subclass codes, Description 1 and Description 2.

Inventory Totals

This report shows Current On Hand, Sold Totals for a definable sales period, Received Totals for a definable receiving period, and On Order totals for all active PO’s with items still due. It inventory at an item level distinguishing individual items. Filter options include Subsidiary, Store, Sold Date Range, Received Date Range, DCS, Department, Class, Subclass and Vendor Codes, Desc 1, Desc 2, Attr, Size, ALU, Last Sold Date, Last Received Date, item price, item cost, and On Hand Qty.

Lineal On Hand/Sold Multi-Store

This report shows on hand and sold data for items in a compact lineal format for up to 21 stores within a subsidiary. The example shows 11 stores numbered 0 thru 10. The report shows 1 line for On Hand and one line for sold for each item. Fields displayed are DCS, VC, Desc 1, Attr, Size, ALU, On Hand Qty for each store, Sold Qty for each store, Avg. cost On hand and Sold, Extended Cost on hand and sold, Avg. Price on hand and sold, Extended Price on hand and sold, and margin % on hand and sold. The report has totals for each DCS Code, and subsidiary, and includes grand totals. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Vendor Code, On Hand Quantity, Price level for on hand price info, and sold date range.

Market Report

This is a merchandise report and shows on hand data and sales data for inventory items. It is grouped by Vendor Code, Store and Subsidiary. The report displays Subsidiary #, Store #, Vendor Code, Description 1, Attr, Size, Last Received Date, Last Sold Date, Current On Hand quantity, Extended Cost and Extended Price, and Sold Quantity, and Extended price data for 2 sales periods. Report filters include Subsidiary, Store, Active/Inactive items, Vendor Code, Sales Period 1 Date Range, Sales Period 2 Date Range, Last Sold Dates, Last Received Dates, DCS Codes, Descriptions 1 and 2, Attr and Size.

ON Hand/Sold 3 Periods

The report shows on hand quantities and qty sold for 3 sales periods. The report is grouped by Styles. It shows Item #, Description 1, Description 2, DCS Code, Attr, Size, On Hand Quantity, Sold Qty 1, Sold Qty 2 and Sold Qty 3. Additional inventory fields can be added to this report at no additional cost. The report shows qty totals for each style and grand totals for the report. Report filters are Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Vendor Code, Active/Inactive items, Item #, Description 1, Description 2, and Sales Date Ranges 1, 2 and 3.

Purchasing Report

This report shows on hand, sales, and on order information for merchandise. In addition to current on hand quantities combined for sales stores and for warehouse stores it shows the amount sold in the current week, the previous 1st 2nd and 3rd weeks, Totals Sold for the item, Totals Received for the item, On Order Qty, and Weeks of Supply and Sell thru %. It has subtotals by DCS code and grand totals. Filter options are Subsidiary, Sales Stores, Warehouse Stores, Statistical Date range (used for calculating sell thru %), DCS, Vendor, Department, Class and Subclass codes, Description 1 and Description 2.

Style Grid Inventory Overview

This is a grid report, and has up to three grids for each style. Grid rows columns are sizes and grid rows are attributes. Grid values are Quantity On Hand, Quantity Sold and Quantity on Order. Cost, Extended Cost, Price, Extended Price, and Style descriptive values are also displayed. The report can be filtered by Subsidiary, Store, First and Last Received Dates, DCS , Department, Class, Subclass and Vendor Codes, Descriptions 1 and 2, and sold Date range.

Simple Sales By Style

This report is intended to tell a purchasing agent what has been sold and needs to be reordered for the company as a whole. It shows Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Qty Sold, Extended Price, Extended Cost, Discount %, Extended Margin with tax, and Margin % with report totals. Filters are Date Range, Date Time Range, Subsidiary, Store, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Attr and Size.

Employee Performance

Associate Performance with POS flag Filters

This report is the same as the standard Sales: Associate Performance report but it has 3 additional filters: POS Flag 1, POS Flag 2 and POS Flag 3.

Associate Summary by Store

This report shows Transaction Count, Extended Price, Units Sold, Ave Price/Sale, and Ave Units/Sale for each sales associate at each store. It can be filtered by Date Range, Subsidiary, Store, Associate, Cashier, Discount Type, Invoice type, Invoice Status, Active/inactive items, Qty Sold, Ext Price/Ticket and Fee Name.

Commission Report

This report shows commissions earned by each sales associate. It Displays Subsidiary, Store, Clerk Name, Receipt Number, Extended Price, Global Discount Amount, and Commission Amount, with the Extended Price, Global Discount and Commission amounts totaled for each Sales Associate, and totaled for the report. It can be filtered by Subsidiary, Store, Clerk Name and Date Range.

Commissions by Receipt

This report shows commissions earned by each sales associate. It Displays Subsidiary, Store, Clerk Name, Receipt Number, Extended Price, Global Discount Amount, and Commission Amount, with the Extended Price, Global Discount and Commission amounts totaled for each Sales Associate, and totaled for the report. It can be filtered by Subsidiary, Store, Clerk Name and Date Range.

Clerk Performance Report

This report shows 1 line per sales clerk with data combined for all sales at all stores per clerk. Data displayed is Clerk Name, sales extended price, returns extended price, net sales extended price, ticket Count, avg. ext. p$/tkt, units sold, and average units sold per ticket. The report has a totals line with averages for the totals as well. Filters for this report are date range short format, date range long format, subsidiary, store, clerk name, cashier name, discount reason, DCS Code, vendor code, inventory descriptions 1 and 2, inventory attribute and size, inventory user defined fields 1-14, invoice type, invoice status, active/inactive items, Extended Price per ticket, quantity sold per ticket, and fee name.

Inventory Reports

Available to Sell

This report shows the quantities of inventory items available for sale at each store. It Is grouped by store number and shows Item #, Vendor Code, Description 1, Description2, Attr, Size, On Hand Qty, Committed in, Committed out, Quantity Available, and Price for each item at each store. Additional Inventory fields such as ALU, UPC, DCS Code and so forth can be added to this report at no additional charge. Filter Options for this report are Subsidiary, Store, ALU, Item #, Description 1, Description 2, Attr, Size, Inventory UDF 2, UDF 3, UDF 4, UDF 5 UDF 6 and Aux 4, Last Sold Date and Last Received Date.


This report shows the quantities of inventory items available for sale at each store. It Is grouped by store number and shows Item #, Vendor Code, Description 1, Description2, Attr, Size, On Hand Qty, Committed in, Committed out, Quantity Available, and Price for each item at each store. Additional Inventory fields such as ALU, UPC, DCS Code and so forth can be added to this report at no additional charge. Filter Options for this report are Subsidiary, Store, ALU, Item #, Description 1, Description 2, Attr, Size, Inventory UDF 2, UDF 3, UDF 4, UDF 5 UDF 6 and Aux 4, Last Sold Date and Last Received Date.

Inventory Totals

This report shows Current On Hand, Sold Totals for a definable sales period, Received Totals for a definable receiving period, and On Order totals for all active PO’s with items still due. It inventory at an item level distinguishing individual items. Filter options include Subsidiary, Store, Sold Date Range, Received Date Range, DCS, Department, Class, Subclass and Vendor Codes, Desc 1, Desc 2, Attr, Size, ALU, Last Sold Date, Last Received Date, item price, item cost, and On Hand Qty.

On Hand by Item with Description 2

This is the merchandise on hand by item report but the last on hand date has been removed to make room for Description 2.

On Hand by DCS

This is a summary report showing on hand totals by DCS. It shows on hand data for each DCS Code with subtotals for each store and grand totals. Fields displayed are DCS code, On Hand Qty, Extended Cost, Extended Price, Margin Amt, and Margin %. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, Price Level, Active/Inactive items, Vendor code, DCS Code, Descriptions 1 and 2, Attr and Size.

On hand by Department

This is a summary report showing on hand totals by DCS. It shows on hand data for each DCS Code with subtotals for each store and grand totals. Fields displayed are DCS code, On Hand Qty, Extended Cost, Extended Price, Margin Amt, and Margin %. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, Price Level, Active/Inactive items, Vendor code, DCS Code, Descriptions 1 and 2, Attr and Size.

On hand by Vendor

This is a summary report showing on hand totals by Vendor. It shows on hand data for each vendor with subtotals for each store and grand totals. Fields displayed are Vendor code, On Hand Qty, Extended Cost, Extended Price, Margin Amt, and Margin %. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, Price Level, Active/Inactive items, Vendor code, DCS Code, Descriptions 1 and 2, Attr and Size.

Restock Report

This report is intended to tell a warehouse manager what needs to be distributed to each store to restock their supplies. It is organized by store and shows Item #, ALU, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Attr, Size and Qty sold for each item. It can be filtered by Date Range, Date/Time Range, Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Vendor Code, Description 1, Attr and Size.

Simple Sales By Style

This report is intended to tell a purchasing agent what has been sold and needs to be reordered for the company as a whole. It shows Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Qty Sold, Extended Price, Extended Cost, Discount %, Extended Margin with tax, and Margin % with report totals. Filters are Date Range, Date Time Range, Subsidiary, Store, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Attr and Size.

Store On Hand Summary

This report is a concise report that shows what is on hand at each store. For each store it shows Subsidiary No, Store No, Store Code, Total On Hand Qty, Total Extended Price, and Total Extended Cost. There are subtotals for each subsidiary and a grand total line. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Dept, Class, SubClass, Vendor Code, On Hand Quantity per item per Store, Price Level, Description 1, Description 2, Attribute, Size, ALU, Last Received Date Range, Last Sold Date Range, First Received Date Range, and Active/Inactive Items.

Customer Tracking Reports

Customer Mail Information Amount Spent by Vendor

This report shows the amount spent by each customer broken down by the vendor that supplies the merchandise. It displays Customer ID, Customer Name, and Customer Address for each customer and Vendor Code, Qty Purchased, Ext Orig Price, Discount Percentage, Extended Price, Extended cost , Extended Margin, and Margin % for each vendor with these fields totaled for each customer and grand totals at the end. The report can be filtered by Subsidiary, Store, Date Range, Vendor Code, Active/Inactive Customer status, Customer Zip Code, Customer First Name, and Customer Last Name.

Customer Purchases by Vendor

This report shows the amount spent by each customer broken down by the vendor that supplies the merchandise. It displays Customer ID, Customer Name, and Customer Address for each customer and Vendor Code, Qty Purchased, Ext Orig Price, Discount Percentage, Extended Price, Extended cost , Extended Margin, and Margin % for each vendor with these fields totaled for each customer and grand totals at the end. The report can be filtered by Subsidiary, Store, Date Range, Vendor Code, Active/Inactive Customer status, Customer Zip Code, Customer First Name, and Customer Last Name.

Receipts by Customer

This report shows all receipts organized by the customer. There is 1 line per receipt. Customer ID, Customer Name, Company Name, Store #, Receipt Date and Number, Extended Original Price, Extended Discount Amt, Extended Price, Tax Amount and Receipt Total are displayed. It is filterable by Date Range, Subsidiary, Store, Workstation, Customer Company, Receipt #s, Cashier, Tender Type, and Customer First and Last names.

Sales Reports

DCS Sales Summary

This report is very similar to the standard report Sales Department Summary but the standard report summarizes by DCS code. This report summarizes by D level rather than the DCS level.

Department Sales Summary

This report is very similar to the standard report Sales Department Summary but the standard report summarizes by DCS code. This report summarizes by D level rather than the DCS level.

Discount Summary

This report summarizes discounts by discount reason name and by line item vs global discounts. It is somewhat like the standard report in Summary: Sales Discount Summary but that report has a bug where it shows margin and cost values as all 0, while in this report the margin and cost values reported are correct. Also that report does not break down global vs line item discounts where this report does. Data displayed for each row on this report is as follows: Discount Reason, Quantity Sold, Extended Price after all discounts, Extended Original Price, Total Discount Amount, Total Discount Percentage, Extended Item Discount Amount, Item Discount Percentage, Global Discount Amount, Global Discount Percentage, Extended Gross Margin Amount, Gross Margin Percentage, and Extended Cost. Filter options include Subsidiary, Store, sales date range (whole days only), sales long date range (time and date to time and date), sales associate, cashier, discount type, active items, line item extended price, item price, ALU, UPC, item number, DCS code, Dept. code, class code, subclass code, vendor code, inventory descriptions 1-4, attribute, size, inventory UDF fields 1-6, and inventory auxiliary fields 1-8.

Sales Analysis by Zip Code

This report will be most useful to stores that record a customer for most sales, and record the customer address including at least the zip code. This report shows 1 line for each zip code that had sales activity recorded. Data displayed is zip code the following for each zip code. Number of sales receipts, extended price if items sold, gross margin of items sold, total units sold, average extended price per receipt, average gross margin per receipt and average units sold per receipt. Filter options for this report are sales date range, subsidiary, store, cashier, sales associate, discount type, fee type, receipt type, tender name, receipt status, item active status, quantity sold, inventory item price, item ALU, DCS Code, dept. code, class code, subclass code, item description 1, item description 2, item attribute, item size, and customer zip code.

Sales by Style – Simple

This report is intended to tell a purchasing agent what has been sold and needs to be reordered for the company as a whole. It shows Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Qty Sold, Extended Price, Extended Cost, Discount %, Extended Margin with tax, and Margin % with report totals. Filters are Date Range, Date Time Range, Subsidiary, Store, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Attr and Size.

Sales by Weekday Hour

This report shows the number of transactions, Extended Price and Extended Cost broken down by Store, Day of the Week, and Hour of the Day. It has subtotals by store and grand totals. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, Date Range, and an option to include or exclude each day of the week.

Sales Dashboard

This report is an overview of business transacted at each store. For each store it shows Subsidiary and Store #’s, Transaction Count, Extended Price, Units Sold, Average Price/Sale and Average Units/Sale, and includes company totals. Filters for this report are Subsidiary, Store, Date Range, Associate, Cashier, Discount Type, Fee Name, Invoice Type, Tender Type, Invoice Status, Active/Inactive items, Qty Sold Per Receipt, Extended Price per Receipt, ALU, DCS Code, Department, Class and Subclass Codes, Vendor Code, Descriptions 1 and 2, Attr and Size.

Sales: Store Summary by Date

This report is a summary of what was sold at each store organized by date. It shows 1 line for each store and date. Data fields included are Store Code, Store Name, Date, Quantity Sold, Extended Original Price, Extended Discount Amount, Discount %, Extended Price, Extended Cost, Extended Margin Amt, and Margin %. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store and Date Range.

Top Sellers by Gross Margin

This report list the top selling items (default top 100) by gross margin.  It is intended to list the top items across all stores and subsidiaries but can be filtered for subsidiaries and stores if desired.  It lists one row per item with data combined for all selected stores/subsidiaries. The report lists the following data:  DCS, vendor code, description1, description2, attr, size, alu, UPC, current on hand quantity, quantity sold, sold extended price, sold extended gross margin (ranked by this), and sold margin%.  Filter options for this report are as follows: subsidiary, store, sales date range, item number, DCS Code, vendor code, description 1, description 2, attr, size, alu, UPC, on hand quantity, inventory last sold date, inventory last received date, inventory first received date, inventory tax code, inventory udf fields 1-6, inventory auxiliary fields 1-8 and record limit (limits the top items displayed default 100).

Top Sellers by Gross Margin All Stores combined

This report list the top selling items (default top 100) by gross margin. It is intended to list the top items across all stores and subsidiaries but can be filtered for subsidiaries and stores if desired. It lists one row per item with data combined for all selected stores/subsidiaries. The report lists the following data: DCS, vendor code, description1, description2, attr, size, alu, UPC, current on hand quantity, quantity sold, sold extended price, sold extended gross margin (ranked by this), and sold margin%. Filter options for this report are as follows: subsidiary, store, sales date range, item number, DCS Code, vendor code, description 1, description 2, attr, size, alu, UPC, on hand quantity, inventory last sold date, inventory last received date, inventory first received date, inventory tax code, inventory udf fields 1-6, inventory auxiliary fields 1-8 and record limit (limits the top items displayed default 100).

Top Sellers by Extended Price

This is a report of all items sold, ranked by extended price. It includes descriptive information for each item and On Hand Qty, Qty Sold, Extended Price, Margin %, and last sold and received dates. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, Date Range, Item #, DCS Codes, Vendor Codes, Descriptions 1 and 2, Attr, Size, UPC, Store On Hand Qty, Last Sold Date, Last Received Date, First Received Date, Tax Code, and all of the inventory misc. and aux fields.

Restock Report

This report is intended to tell a warehouse manager what needs to be distributed to each store to restock their supplies. It is organized by store and shows Item #, ALU, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Description 1, Attr, Size and Qty sold for each item. It can be filtered by Date Range, Date/Time Range, Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Vendor Code, Description 1, Attr and Size.

Receipts by Customer

This report shows all receipts organized by the customer. There is 1 line per receipt. Customer ID, Customer Name, Company Name, Store #, Receipt Date and Number, Extended Original Price, Extended Discount Amt, Extended Price, Tax Amount and Receipt Total are displayed. It is filterable by Date Range, Subsidiary, Store, Workstation, Customer Company, Receipt #s, Cashier, Tender Type, and Customer First and Last names.

Purchasing Reports

On Order by DCS

This report summarizes items on order by DCS code. It is organized by store then DCS code. For each DCS code it displays DCS Code, DCS Name, Ordered Qty, Received Qty, Due Qty, Extended Sales Price of items due, extended cost of items due, and margin% of items due with a separate break out for each store. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Vendor Code, PO total item qty due, PO Ship Date, PO Order Date, PO Cancel Date, Department Code, Class Code and Subclass Code.

On Order by Vendor

This report summarizes items on order by Vendor code. It is organized by store then vendor code. For each vendor it displays Vendor Code, Vendor Name, Ordered Qty, Received Qty, Due Qty, Extended Sales Price of items due, Extended cost of items due, and margin% of items due with a separate break out for each store. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, DCS Code, Vendor Code, PO total item qty due, PO Ship Date, PO Order Date, PO Cancel Date, Department Code, Class Code and Subclass Code.

Received by Department

This report shows the quantities received by department for a definable date range. Fields Displayed: Department Name, Class Name, Subclass Name, Qty Received, Extended Price, Cost and Margin amounts and margin %. Filter options for this report are Subsidiary, Store, Received Date Range, Descriptions 1 and 2, Vendor, DCS, Department, Class and Subclass Codes.

Voucher Shipping Charges

This report lists each voucher and the shipping charges associated with the voucher. Fields displayed are Voucher Number, Voucher Date, Voucher Vendor Code and Shipping Charges. There is a total of all charges. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, received date range and Voucher Vendor code. This report works properly only when shipping charges are not spread to the items in the voucher.

PO Journal With Item Details

This is an improved version of the PO Journal With Item Detail, organized to be easier to read. The report shows PO#, Vendor Name, Store#, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Item #, Description 1, Description 2, Attr, Size, Ship Date, Cancel Date, Qty Ordered, Qty Received, and Qty Due with totals per PO and Grand Totals on the Qty Fields. It is filterable by all the same filters the standard PO Journal is.

PO Journal with Voucher Details

This is an improved version of the PO Journal With Item Detail, organized to be easier to read. The report shows PO#, Vendor Name, Store#, Vendor Code, DCS Code, Item #, Description 1, Description 2, Attr, Size, Ship Date, Cancel Date, Qty Ordered, Qty Received, and Qty Due with totals per PO and Grand Totals on the Qty Fields. It is filterable by all the same filters the standard PO Journal is.

Inventory Aging Reports

Lot Number Report

This report shows inventory data for received lots and the expiration dates for perishable items. The report is grouped by Lot Numbers. For Each Lot the report shows the Lot Number, Lot Name, Lot Expiration Date, and on hand inventory data. Inventory on hand data displayed is Subsidiary Number, Store Number, Lot On Hand Quantity, ALU, DCS Code, Vendor Code, Description 1, Description 2, Attr, Size, Item Cost and Item Price. The report can be filtered by Subsidiary, Store, Lot Number, Lot Name, Lot Expiration Date, DCS Code, Vendor Code, Description 1, Description2, and ALU.

Inventory Adjustment Reports

Adjustment Memo Journal

This is a memo journal with item details. It is similar to the receipt or voucher journal reports. Memo information on the report includes Memo #, Date, Reason, and Associate. Item details include DCS, VC, ALU, Desc 1, Desc 2, Attr, Size, Old Qty OH, New Qty OH, Difference Qty, Item Cost, Difference Ext Cost. This report shows both cost and qty information where the standard summary reports on memos do not. Filter options are Subsidiary, Store, Memo Date Range, VC, DCS, Memo Source, Memo Type, Memo Number, Memo Reason, Associate, Desc 1, Desc 2, Active/Inactive items, Comments, ALU, and Item #.

Sales Order Tracking Reports

Open SO with PO numbers

This is a useful report for customers that create PO’s when special orders are made. It shows Customer information from the SO, and Item information with the PO number if a PO has been created for the item. SO#, PO# if any, Customer Type, Customer Name, Description 2, Description 1, Attribute, size, Price, Ordered, Sent and due quantities, Order Date, and Extended Price are all displayed. Quantity fields are totaled per SO#, Customer Type and grand totaled. The report can be filtered by Subsidiary, SO Originating Store, SO Processing Store, Ship Date, Order Date, SO Number(s), DCS Codes, Vendor Codes, Description 1, Description 2, Active/Inactive SO’s, and Customer UDF 4